Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


[C. E. Hawkins to James Morgan, May 11, 1836, sending Morgan intelligence received from the Texas Agency in New Orleans about Mexican plans Lo atlack GaJveslon Island by sea.J (3023) [GREEN to COX)

New Orleans May lllh, 1836

To Col. Barkley Cox, North Alabama

Dear Sir--Permit me to return in behalf of my country and myself, my best and heart fell acknowledgements for your liberal donation of five hundred dollars, the purchase money of two brass field pieces, for the use of my suffering and injured country. When men like yourself, remote from the field of action, without any other feelings than those that impel a brave man and a patriot, step forward in our darkest hour, and voluntarily extend us aid to maintain our independence-think you the vile slaves of a barbarian despot will not blush at their service? I hope in God, my dear sir, you may live to hear that those pieces, the one of which I shall Lake the liberty to call after yourself, shall have don service to our country, and honor to the donor, and those whose fortune it shall be to use them.




l ' I' 11 1,: JI


Your obedient servant, Thomas J. Green, Brig. Gen. of the Army of Texas



[John Martin Duffield, Washington, to the Commissioners of Texas, Gadsby"s Hotel, May 11, 1836, concerning his services as courier from Natches with "information of Col. Fannin's fall."]


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