Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


Texas Meeting In Nashville.

[11 May 1836 J In pursuance of public notice previously given, by a call signed by a large number of highly respectable citizens of Nashville and Davidson county, a numerously altended public meeling of the citizens of this city and county convened at the court-house in Nashville, on Saturday, the 11th instant. On motion of Colonel Willoughby Williams, seconded by H. R. W. Hill, Esq., the honorable John Catron was called to the chair, and Colonel S. H. Laughlin and E. H. Ewing, Esq., appointed secretaries. On motion of Colonel Robert Weakley, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a committee of seven be appointed to take into consideration and report forthwith such measures and resolu- tions as they may believe to be proper to be adopted by the present meeting. Whereupon, the chairman appointed Colonel Robert Weakley, Rev. James G,vin, Luke Lea, jr., Esq., Francis McGavock, Esq., Major John Boyd, Colonel Robert 1-1. i\'lcEwen, and Colonel S. H. Laughlin, to be of the said committee. The committee reported that they had had the subject referred to them under consideration, and thereupon presented the following Preamble And Resolutions. That, as early as the year 1821, the then Republic of Mexico invited emigrants from the United States to settle in the province of Texas, then a wilderness, overrun by various tribes of Indians, whom the Government either wanted the will or power to hold in subjection, and to whose warlike and marauding spirit the border towns and settlements of Mexico were, and for a great many years had been, constant objects of murder and plunder. To overcome this long-existing evil, a population was sought capable of subduing, and, in effect, conquering the country from the savage foes of the Mexican claimants. They had no people fitted for the object. By colonization laws and contracls, strong inducements were held out to emigrants from these United Stales, and liberal donations in lands made, worthless, however, to l\'lexico, as are ours


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