your brethren, whose bleaching bones yet lie on the prairies at La Bahia. The laws of the land require you to serve your country-your own honor and reputation demand of you, and the laws imposes as a penalty for a failure to do your duty the loss of property and citizenship. To our friends of the United States I would say, you may be told, as you have before been told, that the war is at an encl; that there is no farther need of men. It is not so. The people of Te:icas, a small number of men, struggling for the sacred principles of human liberty, need your assistance. We present to you one of the most delightful countries on the face of the globe; we offer you the most liberal remuneration in land; we present to you a field where daring and enterprising bravery may measure arms with a hireling soldiery, who are warring against the sacred rights of man, and have unhallowed hands in the best blood of the United States. Come, then, to our assistance, let us plant our standard in defiance of the yoke of tyranny, upon the Rio Grande.
Thos. J. Rusk, brig, gen. and commandant of the Texian army. (3019] [RUSK ARMY ORDER]
Head Quarters Army Harrisburg 10th May 1836
Army Order,
Capt Stricklands Company will proceed west of the Brazos and cooperate with the detachment under Col Sherman they will ~e regulated in their conduct towards the enemy by the orders ISSUed _to Col Sherman, they will be reconnorter the Country, ascertain all they can in relation to provisions and the situation of the enemy, and communicate with Head Quarters, of the Army,
Thomas J. Rusk Brig, Gen!, Comdt.
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