Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

-[3017) [O lo EDITOR]

. Hempstead C. H., May 10, 1836. Su -I have JUSt seen Judge Littell, who is direct from . Texas, he_says that a baltle was fought near Buffalo Bayou, on the 22nd April, by Santa Anna and Gen. Houston. In this battle Santa Anna was completely defealed, having upwards of five hundred killed, and himself and about nine hundred men were taken prisoners, and are now with the Texians. Gen. Houston had twelve men killed and eight wounded. The families who had deserted Texas are now returning to their homes. I have no doubt this statement is correct, as Judge Littell saw and conversed with a man who was in the battle. My informant says that in this engagement Gen. Houston displayed military talents of the highest order. A.M.O. [3018] [RUSK to PUBLIC]

Headquarters, army of Texas, Harrisburg, May 10, 1836.

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To the people of Texas:

The recent victory-a victory unparalled in the history of war-has given us signal advantages over the enemy; advantages which, if they are followed up by a prompt, energetic advance upon him will secure lo us and our posterity lhe blessings of liberty and independence. The force of our enemy now in Texas amounts to upwards of five thousand men our army to little over one-tenth of that number are advancing upon them. Information derived from our advance renders it evident that they intend retiring to San Antonio, in order lo give us time to do what we have once done before-disband and make the country an easy prey. Have you any confidence in the promises of Santa Ana, the man who could, in violation of a treaty, murder your brethren and friends in La Bahia? Do you expect lo secure your liberty and independence by any other means than the strength of your arms and the sure aim of your rifles? I trust not. Then if you would have your country, if you would prevent a recurrence of the tragical scenes of San Antonio and La Bahia, turn out at once, join the army-drive the enemy from your soil, secure your rights and avenge the death of


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