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There are on the Sulphur prairies upwards of two hundred families. They appear to be an industrious, agricultural people, possessing large herds of cattle and swine. Those residing most remote have, in consequence of the alarm, moved into the more settled parts of the prairie. At a Mr. Peter's, one of the most frontier settlements, twenty-five families had united in building a stockade work, into which they intend to move their families when completed. The settlers appeared doubtful, and the question was frequently asked if, in the event of threatened invasion, they might look for protection from the United States Government? I assured them ~ on all occasions, they might; that, although there was a question in relation to the right of territory, there was none as regards their being United States citizens, residing within the jurisdiction of our lines. Two small volunteer parties have been raised in this settlement for the Texian army, and a third had enrolled themselves for that service, when intelligence was received of the defeat of the Texian army: they were disbanded. Five delegates were elected, and took their seats in the Texian convention, from Miller and Lafayette counties. Under this state of things, I take the liberty respectfully to recommend that the dragoons be directed to that section of our frontier: to cross the river at the public landing, and proceed up the right bank to opposite the mouth of the Blue river; thence to the sources of the Sulphur forks, down the left bank of that stream, to some point below the Spanish bluffs. The whole country through which they would pass is an open prairie, well watered, and affording excellent grazing for their horses. The Indian tribes residing along this frontier, it is estimated, can muster 1,850 warriors, exclusive of the western tribes, Camanches, Pawnees, &c. I have the honor to be, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
J.-Dean, Captain 3d infantry. Geo. A. McCall, A.D.C., &c.
Lieut. Col. J. H. Vose, 3d infantry, commanding Fort Towson.
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