requesting you, sir, lo adopl such means as you may consider most proper, to rectify an error, which may do me so much injury as the representative of the .Mexican Republic in these United States. I avail myself of this opportuniLy, Mr. Secretary of State, to repeat to you the assurances of my high consideration.
M. E. De Gorostiza.
To the Hon. John Forsyth, &c.&c. [3007]
New Orleans May 10 1836
Dear Sir,
We are all on the housetop here, with the news of the Glorious victory of the 21st ulto. It reached us on the Sabine, but without particulars, and it seemed too good to be true. This is now, however, no longer a loop to hang a doubt on. All is joy and hope among the friends of Texas. The crew of the Invincible, also, which had been caphtred by the U.S. sloop of War Warren, for an alledged act of Piracy in caphtring the Pocket, has been honorably discharged by the Court, and thus the Texian Flag acknowledged. Triplett has not yet arrived here. He parted with us at the lower Bluff of the Naches, on the 21st April, to take passage on a Schooner, the Loan I beleive, then lying in Sabine Bay. This he was induced to do, beleiving the passage by water would be more expeditious than that by land. But I travelled slowly and got here last friday. T. has not yet got here nor can we hear what detains him: some uneasiness is of course felt for his safety. I lament exceedingly that I could not procure a copy of the Constitution for publication. It is much enquired for, and some even doubt that there is any such instrument. It is wanted here. The interests of Texas demand that it should be published in the U.S. Pray send me a copy with all convenient despatch. I cannot make my proposed publication without it. If enclosed to me to the care of the Agent here I shall get it, and ,~rill make good use of it.-I shall return to Texas with as much speed as my affairs in the U.S. will admit, to make my future home among you. With best respects to all your assocaites, I am with much r"espect Your Obt Svt Wm. Fairfax Gray
I I,
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