[C. E. Hawkins lo James Morgan, May 9, 1836, requesting that ten men under a lieutenant or sergeant be assigned to assist the marine corps in taking charge of the Durango, a captured Mexican ship. J [3005) [LAMAR to MORGAN] [Mirabeau B. Lamar to James l\•lorgan, May 9, 1836, ordering the release of Dr. Benjamin Harrison, who was under arrest on suspicion of being a Mexican spy, since no evidence had appeared.] [3006] [GOROSTIZA to FORSYTH] Mexican Legation Extraordinary, U.S.A. Washington, May 10, 1836. Sir: If the publication by itself (aisla da) of the memorandum containing the communication made to me by you in the conference of April 26th, could have no other had effect than to place me, as it has placed me, in a very disagreeable position with regard to the American public, I might perhaps willingly sacrifice my own self love, and pass by (desentenderme de) this circumstance, in order not thereby to involve farther an affair which is unfortunately becoming too complicated already. But you, Mr. Secretary of State, must know that the effects of this publication will not end there; and that from my apparent silence, it has been inferred even in Congress, that I have assented to the measure adopted by the United States, or at least, that I have made no observations in opposition to it. This, you, sir, know is not the case. You must also be aware that if the newspapers which have entered upon this subject, should by chance arrive in my country before my communications reach it, I might appear in the eyes of my fellow citizens, although hut for a moment, under a light by no means favorable. For these reasons, and having good grounds for confiding in the equity of this Government, I am under the necessity of
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