required lo serve is restricted by law lo three months. [ have also wrillen to lhe Governors of the other slales upon whom you are authorized Lo make requisitions, advising them of this view. The quarter-master general has also been instructed to direct proper officers of his department to report to the several Governors upon whom you have made requisitions, in order to provide the necessary means for facilitating the movement of the troops.
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Lewis Cass.
Major Gen. Gaines, Fort Jesup, Louisiana
Washington, May 9, 1836. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, has seen in the Globe of yesterday, with a degree of regret equal to his surprise, that in the instructions addressed by the Secretary of War to General Gaines, on the 25th of April last, that general has been authorized, in case of necessity, to advance with his troops to Nacogdoches; '"which old fort," says the Secretary of War, "is within the limits of the United States, as claimed by this Government." The undersigned cannot form any conjecture, with certainty, as to the grounds on which the American Government believes that Nacogdoches would be within the limits of the United States, when the dividing line between the two countries, determined by the third article of the existing treaty, shall have been run and marked down, because, although the undersigned has consulted Mellish 's map, published in Philadelphia, and improved in 1818, the only authority on lhe matter which the Mexican Covernmcr.t will recagnisc, agreeable to the treaty, he h,is not been able to find any other thing than that Nacogdoches is situated several miles beyond the Sabine river, and, consequently, far within the indisputable territory of l\'lcxico.
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