Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

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best calculated to promote the object of his appointment and the cause of Liberty and Texas. [To A. J. Yates] S. F. Austin

Wm. H. Wharton Coms. for Texas.



Bourmont May 9th 1836

Mr. David G. Burnet Prest. of the Re[publi] c of Texas Sir

Having been authorized by S. P. Carson, secretary of state, lo repair lo such crossings on the Netches River as would be most convenient for crossing of families of said River. And Lo secure the ferry boats and all others so as to expedite the passing of families. In obedience to this order on the 18th April I took charge of two ferry flats, and they have been in the service of the publick ever since until the 7th this Inst. I permitted the McNeils to cross a gang of African's by their promising to return the boat into the River which promis they have not complied withe and which they refused to pay for; for this purpose I have wrote to you leaving it to your disposition to act as you please as the damage is conciderable, owing to the number of poor families who are waiting to cross will be detained for the want of the Boat. You will please write to me as soon as possible and let me know wether I am to continue the operation or not. Their are a great many poor families who are destitute of provisions that are returning to their homes and are not able lo furnish means of subsistance You will please instruct me as speadily as possible weather I shall continue to furnish them as per order of the Secretary of Slate I Remain Your Obedit St. Clarke Beach

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