New York May 9th 1836 The undersigned Commissioners, appointed by the
Government of Texas to the United States, acting in virtue of the authority vested in us by the said Government, have appointed, and by these presents do appoint, A. J. Yates Esq a citizen of Texas, an agent of the Texian Government, for the purpose of asking for, and receiving donations, loans, or other aid for the Government of Texas. The Loans which he may receive, shall be on the following basis: He is authorized to issue certificates to the Lenders for the Amount loaned, to bear interest not exceeding Ten per cent, and redeemable any time after Five Years after the First of July next. The said agent A. J. Yates is also fully authorised and impowered to procure emigrants to Texas and arms, ammunition etc. to defend them against the hostile Indians, and lo promise to such Emigrant the bounties of land etc. offered by the Independent Government of Texas, to those who emigrate to that country, and embark in its cause, on the terms and in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the Texian Government on the Subject. The said Agent, A. J. Yates will keep an exact register of his acts and proceedings under this power, and of the names and residences of the persons who make donations and loans and of every important particular: and communicate the same from time to time to the Texian Government, and to the undersigned. He will deposit all the funds he may collect, in the hands of D. L. Gregory and Co. or their offices in the city of New Orleans and other places in the Western Country, (every subject to the order of the undersigned commissioners of Texas. Should companies of Emigrants to be raised in any county or town and the expenses of their Equipment, transportation etc be defrayed by a Special contribution from the inhabitants, or other persons for that special purpose, the said agent is authorized to sanction the appropriation of such Special contributions, and to report the same to the Government of Texas. The said Agent is authorized to pay his necessary current expenses, out of any money he may receive for the Government of Texas, and he will proceed through the Sta le of New York, and the Western country to New Orleans, by such routes as he may deem
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