Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

no puedo verlo con indiferencia mandando Lropas y ya que no puedo evilarlo, voy a arreglar todo lo perteneciente a mi division para entregarla y marcharme a mi casa: deseo ver a V. y que venga pronto porque se preciso que me ayude al arreglo - Ya doy orden a Alcerrica para que se vaya a Guadalupe: haga V. que su marcha sea tan ordenada como lo ha siclo tocla la espedicion de la division que me toco man<lar en esta desgraciada campana, que tanto cuesta a la republica y a los militares honrados: que esa tropa entienda que no se retira y que nacla deje en su marcha, sino huellas de honor. - A dios amigo. - Jose Urrea. [2989] [WHARTON to BURNET]

New York 6th May 1836

D Sir.

This will be handed you be Major N. W. Smith who I am satisfied possesses as much military knowledge and experiences as any man of his age on this continent. I derive my information from Gentlemen who have long known him in this city. His ardent devotion to Liberty has enlisted him in our cause to which he will be an invaluable accession. Major Smith has served eleven years in the Royal Dragoons, part of the time as adjutant. He is well acquainted with the Lance, Field Artillery & light Infantry and also with military law & usages. He was in the Battle of Waterloo the whole four days and Genl. Jackson has pronounced him the most military & commanding looking man he ever saw on horse back. I cordially commend him to your especial attention, Yours with the highest respect. Wm. H. Wharton PS Do give a prompt answer to the proposition for a loan sent you by Col. Macomb. Money can be raised here by putting the land at 25 cents but on no better terms at present.

Yoa:-s &c Wm. H. Wharton

[Addressed:] to His Excellency D. G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas


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