Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


[Thomas J. Green, A. C. Allen, Samuel M. Williams, S. Rhoads Fisher, James Power, Edward Conrad, Henry Austin, Edward Hall, Samuel Ellis, Robert Wilson, T. G. Western, D. C. Barrett, and William Bryan, New Orleans, to Seth Barton, Randal Hunt, and 0. P. Jackson, New Orleans, May 7, 1836, thanking them "in behalf of the officers and crew of the Texian man of war schooner Invincible" for defending them against "the false imputation of piracy, brought against them by the secret Mexican influence of . this city."] [2987) [ROBERTSON to ELLISJ Consulate of the United States of America Tampico, May 6, 1836. Sir: I beg to inform you that, on the 3d instant, the United States schooner cutter Jefferson, Captain Jackson, anchored off this port direct from Pensacola, having been sent here by order of Commodore Dallas. When the vessel first appeared off, a signal was made that she was of a suspicious character, which appeared to create some alarm. A short time after, ·the first lieutenant of the cutter came up and presented his letters to me, not, however, without an officer at his side to present him to the military chief, Don Gregorio Gomez. At the time of presenting the lieutenant, the commandant received a note from the bar, in which he observed that the lieutenant had said that the schooner was coming into the river. I observed that Captain Jackson had not, in his note to me, expressed any such wish, thinking it would be quite unnecessary to ask permission for a friendly flag to enter the river. He replied that he would not permit her lo come in; after which, I addressed him a note. Copies of our correspondence are herewith enclosed. IL appears, that, after I had presented the lieutenant as an American officer, my assertion was not believed, for they not only doubled their guards, but sent about fifty men lo the entrance of the river; which has created double the hostile feeling against Americans that previously existed, the first cause of which I


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