Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

diciplina y el corajc contra los Tejanos estranjcros, sea sicm pre vuestro norte. Tabasqucnos todos: El Aguila de Anahuac ha estendiclo sus alas en lodo el Orisonlc; ha vencido, y para oprovio de los prolervos que osaron herirla, sobre sus mismos tiros ha quedado sin leccion. La intTcpidez majicana la ha defendido, y el venseclor del Panuco ha guiado sus cerleros tiros . . . Valor y constancia es lo que os

rccomicnda vuestro comun amigo. San Juan Bautista Mayo 5 de 1836.

Jose Maria Torreblanca. lmpreso de orclen del Gobierno.

(2985] (BURLESON to RUSK]

Campt at Bernard May 6th 1836

Secertary of War Colo. T. J. Rusk

l\ly Dear firend I thin proper to Drop you a few Lines for Your concidiration believing that It to be your Sincear Wish that the Brave herowers Should Enjoy Just what they have fought for Liberty and lndipendence I heard it .Mentioned before I left head quarters that there Was to be Left four Hundred troop~ with two piaccs of ordince Left al Bexar 1L Is my opinion that Santanna has Some design more than to take Care of his Wonded and Sick by this maneuver and as We have aU Lhe power know in our own hands Lets use it lo a good Advantage the Cabinet I am informed Is With you with you to Remark lo them that there is Soldiers With us that has fought Brave and has bin faith fut and I Should be pleased to See them Enjoy Liberty to the fuU Extent I mean Capt Saguins company and himself and all others that has bin honestly Engaged in the noble cause of freedom and it occurs to me that it is Impracticable for thes four hundred troops thats mentioned to remain in Texas any Where the Cittizens of Sanantonia is all Sufficint to take Care of there Sick and wounded and I donol See ·what advantage two peases of Artillery Can be to Sick and and wondcd Men I am a feard there is Some disign that will be no advantage lo us Capt Saguins home is in the Vincinity of Sanantonia and he Cannot Settle Here with out Suffering the insults of Santana Soldiers I am Clean for Leaving none on this Side of Riogranda I depend graitly on your Exertions at this Crittical moment for the Welfare of Texas your firend and Scrvenl to Colo Rusk Edw Burleson


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