Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

wilh Capt Cheshire, he is a man of excellent character of bold and hardy enterprize and will justify in his acts any confidence which may be placed in him by the Governme1il; and some such arrangement as he proposes would give great security and confidence lo the frontiers.

Thos. J. Rusk May 5, 1836

[2983] [STRICKLAND et al to RUSK]

Camp on San Jacinto, l\lay 5 I 836,

The undersigned hereby enrol themselves as volunteers in the army of Texas, commencing from the date of their entering into the actual since of the Republic to Wit, the 12th day of April AD 1836, and promise obedience to the Regulations of the army - under permission of the Comd. General, they have organized by Selecting William Strickland, their Commander, V. J. GoLigh tly their second officer, James Izod, their 1st Sergant and James S. Lee, their 2nd dv.

Wm. Strickland, Capt. James Izod, Scrgt. James S. Lee, 2nd do. E. Humphreys, Private · Chs. M. Sweeny,

M. M. Bailey, James Steen. W. G. Still M. B. Lewis, John Dowd D. Babcock J. S. Munce Sarni J. Page T. Duffau Thos Garretson A.G. Coffin J. H. Bowman Henry Weyland J.C. Morgan


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