Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


[May 5, 1836 J We, the undersigned, being desirous lo prevent the irruption of hostile Indians, on our Northern frontier, and being desirous lo protect our own and the neighboring settlers, would beg leave to make the following proposition to his Excellency lhc President and Cabinet. We propose to locate one hundred families on the frontier, each of which shall furnish one or more able bodied men, who will perform all the necessary ranging service as may be thought expedient by Government; and that we may have the faith of the Government pledged for the granting of one League of Land through us lo each family which may be settled on the frontier,-wc further will bind ourselves to build block houses and erect other like works, as may be necessary for the protection of the frontier families in case of necessity or attack;-aJso to have these families furnished with the means of transportation from the United States to the frontiers and to keep them supplied with arms, provisions, and ammunition for the space of one year and to have them properly drilled and disciplined for the said sen'ice. We would also leave the point of location at the option of the Government and would for the above mentioned propositions wish that we may have the exclusive privilege of trading with the Indians within certain limits to be laid down by Government and be considered as the Agents for settling the said familics for said purposes. We offer to bind ourselves to lose every benefit which may accrue to us in case of non-compliance with every part of the above propositions-and as in the present disturbed and defenceless condition of the frontier families in the absence of the men from those parts of the Country,-we would respectfully r<~q11cst a speedy answer Lo our propositions.

We have the honor Lo be Your Obt Servants James Chessher William Glenn

[Endorsed: J .

I lake great pleasure in stating that l am well acquainted


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