settlers off his anticipated Territory, llcan Durst and many others of the St. anna Corps, circulated a report that produced a pcrf eel hurricane. which caused the whole country lo leave, in the order of a Blue Streak I throwcd myself in the way to stop the slompide reasoned, cursed, damned, lo prove the whole false pleading with them lo send spies, and eventually to form Companies and send back lo save their property all to no effect, Plunder and ruin have been the issue and then throw the curtain over it, and leave it to others to give the furlher detail. By simply saying that nothing but the late glorious victory could of releaved the American Character, in Texas. I have strove to keep up a correspondence between us you and the Army, but without effect, A. Houston (our would be Quarter Master General) was here two days ago I proposed sending and paying for all documents and letters for the Government & Army and send them by my son John B. Gaines, who had ·determined to go to the Army He Houston said as he was going he would pay for them and have them ready for my son when he arrived al Fort Jessup. I fear now he has sent none but such as were post paid, de~troying my prime ()bjert Yet I will further try to keep up and open a mail to you Our Expresses doing as much harm as good as they generally know more than our Commanders. My son John will hand you this you will do by him, and with him as your Excellency may think fit In great haste I remain as usual Your Friend Jas. Gaines P.S. Genel. Gaines and Troops are near their object is to be guessed at. JG
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