large and Respectable meeting has been held in this place- the proceedings and resolutions of which please refer lo a copy of the Farmer and Seneca Falls dayly advertiser published in this place-which Paper accompanies this letter- It is the opinion of our first l\len in point of standing-that a company of Emigrants can he raised in this place and village and twenty five lo forty men with a suitable person lo take charge of said company, which company will be ready lo march lo Texas as soon as pecuniary aid can he furnished them lo defray their necessary expences to New York- It is confidently believed the greater part of the money necessary for this purpose can be raised in this immediate vicinity- Now Sir if you can inform us of the manner and the means by which such assistance can be forwarded from New York-Ihe sympathy of our fellow citizens may not be in vain with regard lo Texas- It is the object of this committee lo get information how Emigrants can be sent from New York lo Texas, as well as to manifest the spirit prevailing in this section of the state-We would be highly gratified to gel your views in relation to the transportation of such aid as above slated and how Effected Lucas Van Buskirk Corresporvfo,g Charles D Williams Committee (2977] [FILISOLA to SANTA ANNA] Escmo. Sr. general de division, presidente de la republica D. Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna. - Atascosito, 5 de l\'layo de 1836. - Estimable senor, amigo y companero: Ya de oficio manifiesto a vd. cuanla es y sera mi deferencia en el cumplimiento de sus comunicaciones: ellas me hacen prevenciones que al llenarlas, acaso algun dia me daran pesares, y hoy, mi amigo, hoy mismo tengo malos ratos, porque conozco la profesion a que pertenezco, y porque tambien veo a lo que me obliga la amistad y la consideracion de! interior. En fin, senor, me retiro porque jamas quiero que se me im 1,u te, pvr los lf ue ven las cosas de- lcjos, cl s.::r causa de algun desastre; pero al hacerlo, lo verifico con un ejercito de mcxicanos, respetable por su numero, disciplina y virtudes, que a vd. le son tan conocidas, y que estan al alcance de la posicion de vd. y de sus dignos companeros.
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