otherwise from experience indulge the belief or al lcasl express the opinion that the war is now at an end and thal we arc now having nothing to do bul rejoice over and enjoy the fruils of our Victory. I cannot come to that conclusion while lhe Enemy to are stiU within the Territory of Texas it has been wilh great difficulty an army has been raised it will be with much more difficulty one can be kept together when these opinions are so often expressed by persons high in the confidence of the people. Many obslacles are thrown in the way of the policy which in my opinion ought to be pursued for these and other reasons. I must decline the Command so kindly tendered to me by your honorable body. Accept Genllemen for S---- of yourselves the assurance of my highest respect.
Tho J Rusk.
Copy Buffallo Bayou 4 May 36 Thos- J Rusk Sent to President Burnet and Cabinet on being appointed Brig. Geni- to command the army &c- (2975] [BONNELL to-----]
[J. Bonnell lo -----, May 5, 1836, concerning the advance of General Gaines with fourteen companies to the banks of the Sabine.] (2976) [BUSKIRK to AUSTIN]
Seneca Falls 5th May-1836
General Austin Dr Sir
Pcrmil us (though strangers) lo introduce ourselves to your notice and aUow us lo offer as an apology for so doing a Most cordial feeling for lhe welfare of Texas- The cause of Texas is exciting deep and thrilling interest in this parl of lhe world- A
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