its former owner, will never be utlered by the people of Texas unaccompanied by a prayer for his happiness and prosperity. The accompanying communication of the officers is enclosed to your notice, and I beg leave to tender to your kind acceptance, assurances of my very friendly regard. · Sam Houston, Commander-in-Chief P.S. A number of the officers belonging lo the army are absent on detached service, who would gladly have united with the officers present in this expression of their gratitude for your services in the cause of Texas. Houston. (2973] [NEW ORLEANS NOTICE] To the Friends of Civil Liberty! The examination of the officers and crew of the Texian Man of War Schooner Invincible, will take place at Judge Rawle's Office, on Royal Street, at 11 o'clock today. The public ·::ill there have a:1 oppcrtunity cf seeing who are the aiders and abetters of the Bloody Massacres of Santa Anna. New Orleans, May 4th, 1836. (2974] [RUSK to BURNET et al]
Camp on Buffalo Bayou 4th May 1836
Gentlemen The decree confuri~g on me the appointment of Brigadier General and requesting me to take the Command of the Army has been received and it is a matter of very great consolation to me that my conduct has so far received the Sanction of as enlightened a body as the Gentlemen composing the Executive Government of Texas or to merit this evidence of their confidence I am from nature & from feeiings averse to the hoiding of any office whatever desiring to pass my time as a private citizen. The circumstances in which we are now placed are of a peculiar nature it is apprehended that little more trouble will now be had with the Enemy as he is on the retreat and many persons who ought to think
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