Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

American Governmc11l, and lo await ils orders. This he will do by the first opporl1111ily, transmilling lo the .Minister of Relations of lhe Republic at Mexico literal copies of Lhc correspondence which has passed 011 lhe suLject between the Dcparlmcnl of Stale and this legation extraordinary. The undersigned will only add thal it would Le very desirable, in any event, that the general-in-chief of the national army in Texas might receive in proper time from his Government the necessary instructions with regard to Lhe possible advance of General Gaines beyond the known limits of these United States, as the former would thus know the real object of such an advance, in case it did take place, and would then adopt, without doubt, such measures as might be within his attributes and facullies for avoiding, on his part, any cause of · discontent or quarrel (compromiso) between two nations so intimately friendly as the two republics. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Lhe Mexican republic, has the honor lo repeat to the honorable John Forsyth, Secretary of State of these Unitcd States, the assurances of h!s most distinguished consideration.

M. E. de Gorosliza.

To the Hon. John Forsyth, &c.


Headquarters of the Army, Battleground of San Jacinto, 4th ~lay, 1836 To William Christy, Esq. Dear Sir-With the most lively emotions of pleasure and approbation, I become the organ of acknowledgements from the officers of the army, under my command, of your unceasing and efficient labors in the cause of Texas, when few could be found who would place their shoulder to the wheel, fewer who Lreasted Lile siorm al iaunie, a11ci remained soldiers, true, faithful, untiring and vigilant. The saddle and bridle now presented lo you, arc said to have belonged to General Cos, of the army of i\lcxico. He who proudly vaulted into it a second time lo meet the rifles of freemen, must now give place lo one whose name, unlike that of


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