Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

[ 2970] [CASS to CLAY]

War Department May 4, 1836. Sir: Major General Gaines, to whom the command of the western border of Louisiana has been assigned, has notified this Department that he has called upon your Excellency for a battalion of militia, the whole or as many of them as practicable, to be mounted. I am instructed by the President to request your Excellency to call into the service of the United States the number of militia which have been, or may be, required by General Gaines, to serve not less than three months after their arrival at their place of rendezvous, unless sooner discharged. Vcry respectfully Your most obedient servant Lewis Cass. His Excellency C. C. Clay, Governor of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. [2971] (GOROSTIZA to FORSYTH] Washington, May 4, 1836. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, has learned with sincere regret, from the informal note which the honorable John Forsyth, Secretary of State of these United Stales, did him the honor to address to him on the 3d instant, that the American Government has not thought proper to take into consideration the observations which the· undersigned believed it his duty to direct to the Department of State on the 23d and 28th of April last, respecting the position which the troops of General Gaines might assume in a certain case therein stated; and that, consequently, the question, as regards the United Slates, still remains the same as Mr. Forsyth considered it to be in the conference of the 20th of April. The undersigned, thercfore, conceives that nothing is left for him lo do, except to inform his Government of the determination of the

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