Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

[2968] [CASS to CA~II3RELENG]

War Department May 4, 1836. Sir: In January last orders were given to Major General Gaines, lo lake measures for the defence of the western frontier of Louisiana. Events which were then passing in Texas led lo the belief that a state of things might arise requiring the interposition of the Government to protect the inhabitants of thal portion of the United States from the calamities of war. There were placed subject to General Gaines's orders three regiments of infantry, and seven -companies of dragoons, and he was instructed lo prevent by force, if necessary, any armed parlies from crossing the boundary line into the territory of the United Stales. He was also informed that the 33d article of the treaty with Mexico imposes upon both of the contracting parties the duty of preventing all hostile incursions on the part of the Indians into the possessions of the other. And he was directed to take the necessary measures for fulfilling this obligatior. on the part of the United States. He was also instructed, it called upon by the civil authority for any aid towards enforcing the laws having relation to the neutral duties of the United States, to render such assistance as the laws prescribe. And he was referred to the district attorneys of the two districts of Louisiana for their opinion upon such points of law connected with his duty as might arise. He was also particularly advised that it was the duty of the United Stales to remain entirely neutral, and lo cause their neutrality to be respected. By information recently received from General Gaines, it appears that he considers it necessary that his force should be increased, with a view to afford proper protection to the frontiers; he has therefore called upon the Governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, and TP-nnci-seP. for a brigade, and upon the Governor of Alabama for a battalion of militia, the whole, or as many of them as practicable, lo be mounted. He reports that the Mexican forces are rapidly approaching the border, and he anticipates that as soon as they have reached the vicinity of the Indians, that these will join in the contest, and that the Indian force will respect no boundary line. And lhc operations in Texas, as described by


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