Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

oul, may 11ol be more numerous Lhan lhc exigencies shall seem lo require. They ought to be called i11lo service for six 111011lhs, if practicable, lo be disbanded whenever 1101 wanted. And you will lake care that all due economy is preserved, as well i11 your disl.mrscmcnts, as i11 Lhe preservation and acco11ntauilily of the public property. IL is very necessary lhal you should communicate freely lo the commanding officers of any military parties who may approach the l'ronlicrs, and inform them of the natmc of your orders. You wilJ stale lo them, that while you have bec-n ordered to that quarter with a view to the exceu Lion of Lhc neu trnl obligations fo Lhe United Stales, you have also been instructed to defencl their territory from any invasion whatever; and that this duly will be executed under any circumstances that may happen. You will also remonstrate against the employment of an) of the Indians. Although the dictates of humanity forbid the use of this species of force, which cannot be reslrained, yet the right of Lhe United Stales to remonstrate against its service, rests upon other grounds. From the habits and dispositions of the Indians, it is well known that the power employing them cm111ot restrain them within the lcgilimale rules of warfare. lf they approach the frontiers, they will pay no regard lo a mere imaginary line, but will carry on their depredations and massacres wherever inhabitants can be found, and where there is no force lo oppose them_. Jt is aJLogcther idle lo expect, that in such a slate of things, Lhc frontier selllemenls of the United States would not ue exposed lo these calamities. Whoever calls the Indians into service, and induces them to approach our border, cannot but be· aware of the consequences that must ensue. All this you will represent lo the proper officers, and you will use your best exertions lo keep such a force from marching towards your position, and if they do so, lo repel and disperse it. Very respectfully Your mosl obedient servant, Lew. Cass Major General Gaines, Fort Jesup, Louisiana.


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