I Beg leave to Introduce Myself to your Excellency-and
shall address you more Minnutly in a day or twoe ·
Henry Goold Shannon I had written ~ly Communications to the Mexican
Embassy with the Signature Signed H;G:S: (2828] [SMITH to SMITH)
Camp near Harrisburg April 22d 1836
Dear Wife,
Times are truly encouraging for Texas on yesterday Gen. Houston has gained a signal victory over Santa Anna and Cos. Their Army consisting of 1100 and nearly all killed and prisoners, except Santa Anna himself. When he found his Army were failing he fled to a swamp which is now surrounded by our men. Our loss is 6 or 8 killed and about double that number wounded. Among the latter is Gen. H. (slightly). I am not yet in possession of the names of our brave men who have fallen. Gen. Almonte and several other generals of the Mexican Army are now in our possession. Suffice it lo say that Gen. Houstons victory over Santa Anna has excelled the brilliant victory of Gen. Jackson over Packenham at New Orleans. The army is generally well and in high spirits. Being at different points I have not seen Mr. Scates since the action but trust he is safe & well. The families may shortly in safety return lo their homes. Providence is on our side. The Alimo, Tampico and La Bahia are turning on the heads of the Mexicans. My health is good. In haste - God, Texas & Liberty William P. Smith [2829) {URREA to SANTA ANNA] Ejercito de operaciones sobre las columnas sublevadas. - &cmo. Sr. - Por la mala esplicacion que me hicieron los guias que traje, me demore en llegar a este punto mas tiempo del que me esperaho; pero force la marcha ayer, y con la fuerza del batallon Jiminez, y tres companias de preferencia de San Luis y Queretaro
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