Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

But Lhe Anglo-American foundation, this nucleus of republicanism, is to be broken up, and its place supplied by a population of Indians, Mexicans, and renegadoes, all mixed together, and all the natural enemies of white men and civilization. What I have been the means of effecting towards the Americanism of Texas, is of more real service to the protection of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri, than the expenditure of thirty millions of dollars on the fortifications of that frontier; yes, more than a standing army of 10,000 men there would be; and yet it is to be broken up, because the people of Texas have Loo much of the spirit of their fathers to lay down beneath the feet of military despotism, and debase and damn their blood and their education; it is lo be broken up, because it will not do for the United States government to interfere with a usurper, a base, unprincipled, bloody monster, who sets the laws of civilization and of humanity at defiance, who desolates Texas under the bloody flag of a pirate, and whose avowed inlenlion is to excite the Indians and negroes, and crimson the waters of the Mississippi, and make iL the eastern boundary of Mexico, (for such an intention has been avowed.) No. This monster cannot be interfered with, because a treaty was made with the federal republic of Mexico, which republic no longer exists. Oh! spirit of our fathers, where are you? Just and omnipotent God, where is thy influence? Where is the fatherly care and protection of a wise and watchful government that applies cheap and prompt preventives beforehand, in preference to the expenditure of millions for remedies, after an evil has occurred? · But you ask, What preventive can be applied? The answer is plain-Let an army of the United States march into Texas, and say to the pirate Santa Anna, "Stop:" a great and philanthropic and free people will not stand tamely by and see justice, constitutional right, and humanity, wantonly violated at her door -nor can a paternal government tolerate a state of things on its most vulnerable and important frontier, that will, and must bring the bloody tide of savage war and the horrors of negro insurrection within its limits. It is madness and folly-it is deceiving yourselves and your constituents to believe that Lhe Texas war is not a war of extermination against Anglo-Americans and their principles and


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