Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


Col. John N. S1:~'l1in - Your communication of ycslcr<lay informs us that the forccs under your command, forming the van:,!tiard of lhal army, will nol move from your present slaliu11, until the division under my command shall have crossed the Colorado, agrccahly lo Lite armistice made between His Excellency, the Prcsidc11I of I lw l\frxic:an Republic, Don Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, and the commander of the army lo which you belong; and have no doubt it will be complied with on your part. With LL Col. Don Y gnacio Barragan, tlu: bearer of the present despatch, J forward to the sick the necessary supplies, until His Excellency, Don Vicente Filisola, can Lake measures for their removal; and inasmuch as those sick men arc 011 the ground occupied by your camp, I hope you will in future allend lo them, as I have b«:cn informed you will. General Filisola has ordered me lo preserve strict harmony, so that al no Lime it may be said that we proceed in had faith, and also because it is not only conformable iu the laws of war, but lo the orders of our President, God and liberty.

Pedro de Ampudia Comdl. of Artillery

Camp on the Sandy Bernard 4th May, 1836

r296!'>J [AMPUDIA lo SECUIN]

Camp on the Sandy Bernard, May 4, 1836. Col. John N. Seguin: Sir - An officer from your camp came lo me yesterday morning, acquainting me that his companions were surprised that their courier, and wished Lu know the reason of it. J informed him lhat he passed through our camp: lhal lite affair was a very simple one, for even lhe despatches of lhc Prcsich:nl were not answered within one hour of their reception; nor do I bdi1:vc that General Filisola will, for lhe sake of one man, infringe the armislic<~, and 1·sp1·cially, wlwn tlw honor of Lhc chief rrnwistral«'. of i\foxico, Lhal of lhc wholt~army, and of 0 • G,~ncral Filisola, hirns«:lf, is inll'.rl'.St«~d in carrying inlo dfcct tlw:-c

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