Quartermaster General's Office i\'lay 3, 1836. Sir: The operations on the frontiers of Texas will require large appropriations. I ha\'e a requisilio11 011 my table for one hundred tho118and dollars for that service, and ha\'C 11ol a dollar Lo mert it. I have rccci,·cd a letter from lhe Assistant Quartermaster al Natchitoches, reporting that he had found great diffic11ll~ i11 obtai11ing land lransporlalion for for companies: thr wagons and horses, as well as m11lc.>s for packing. must be taken from Ohio, Kentucky, or Tennessee. Should the operations be conti11ued through the season on the scale indicated by General Gaines's requisitions. a million of dollars will probably be required for the service of this department alone.
I have the honor to be, Sir, your obcdicnl servant, T. S. Jessup, Quartm. General.
Hon. Secretary of War.
[2962] [LAMAR ORDER]
[Mirabeau B. Lamar, Velasco, May 3, 1836, general order to send supplies, power, and one hundred muskets and bayonets Lo government headquarters.] (2963) [WHlTING Lo MORGAN]
Goose Creek, May 3d 1836
Col Com. J as. ~Jorgan
Sir The almost ;\lcrnculous turn of events which have recently taken place, with the many rumors growing oul of it some of which I find arc leveled al me-probably by :;ome of ;\'Jy friends thinking it may he a favourable opportunily lo revenge a11 old grudge. I ha\'I' thought best lo ~ivc you as [\Jy Military Comada11l a brief account of things as Llwy really an~ and if l have done ,vru11~ hav1· only lo plead 1:rrurs of j11d~mcn l.
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