I-lead Quarters of the Army, Camp San Jacinto, 3rd May, 1836. 1 have nol the pleasure to know on what basis the Executive Government contemplate the arrangements with Gen. Sanla Anna, but I would respectfully suggest that so far as l have been enabled lo give my allcntion lo the subject, the following points should have some weight. The recognition of the lndepcndencc of Texas should be a sine qua non. The limits of Texas should extend Lo the Rio Grande, from the mouth,·pursuing the stream lo ils most north western source, and from thence north east to the line of the United Stales. lndcmnitv for all losses ✓ sustained by Texas during the war. Commissioners to be appointed for ascertaining the facl. One l\ilexican, one Texian, and one American. The guarantee to be obtained from the United States, for the fulfillment of the stipulation on the part of the contending parties. Gen. Santa Anna to be retained as a hostage, until they are recognized or ratified by the Mexican government. Immediate restoration of Texian or Mexican citizens, or those friendly lo the cause of Texas, who may have been retained with their properly. Jnstantanious withdrawal of all the i\lexican troops from the limits of Texas. All property in Texas to be restored, and not molested by lhe Lroops or marauders in falling back. Cessation of all hostilities by sea and land. A guarantee for the safety and restoration of Mexican prisoners, so soon as the conditions shall be complied with. Agenls to be sent to the United Slates to obtain lhc mediation of that government, in the affairs of Mexico and Texas. l Sam Houslon J l To Thomas J. Rusk]
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