Department of Stale, ~lay 3, 1836. ln reply to ~Ir. Gorosliza's informal nole of the 28th ultimo, \\Ir. Forsyth has the honor lo st;1tc that, except in case of nccc5sity, General Gaines will not occupy ground nol indisputably within the limits of the Unilt'd Stales. In case of necessity, whether the possession of the ground he may occupy is now or has heretofore been claimed by ;\lexico cannot be made a question by that officer: hr will take il to perform his duties to the United States, and to fulfil the obligations of the United States to ~1exico. The just and friendly pmpose for which he does occupy it, (if he should do so,) bring beforehand explained to l\lexico, and is expected will prevent either belief or suspicion of any hostile or equivocal design on his parl. It is not intended lo be the assertion of a right of property or possession. Whether the post occupied shall prove lo be in ~lexico or the United Stales, it will be abandoned whenever the necessity ceases by the restoration of tranquillity lo that dislractcrl neighborhood. \Ir. Forsyth avails himself of this occasion to renew to Mr. Gorosliza the assurances of his most distinguished consideration. John Forsyth. His Excellency Senor Don \\lanucl Eduardo De Gorositz, &c. (2959] [HOUSTON to KARNES] Headquarters of the Army, Camp on San Jacinto, 3d May, 1836. To Captain Karnes: Sir, I have received with great pleasure the intelligence communicated in your last favor. Colonel Burleson (who is directed lo advance and with whom you will unite the forces under your command) has general instructions which l hope will be sufficient for your guidance. So long as the enemy are faithful i11 their retreat they will not be molested, but you arc required Lo use utmost vigilance and not suffer a surprise nor permit any u1111ci:cssary encroachment upon them or their property. Sam Houston, Commander in Chief.
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