your command, lwg leave, through you lo prcsc11l lo Col. Wm. Christy ol' Nt:w Orleans, a saddle and bridle said to have bclong<'d to Gen Cos, taken in the battle of San Jacinto on the 21st of April; and lo assure him of our heartfelt gratitude towards him for the :1.eal used by him in our favor in our darkest da) s. We havt:, Sir, the honor lo be
Your ohcdic11l servants, Jesse 13illingslcy, Capt. J. W. Robinson, Capt.
J. N. ~loreland, Capt. lsl Regl. Artillery, Henry Millard, LL. Col. Com. Infantry, George W. Poe, Capl. lsl Rcgl. Artillery, J. i\l. Allen, Major of Infantry, Henry Peal, Capt. Infantry, Nicholas Lynch, Adjutant of Infantry,
S. Sherman, Col 2d Rcgt. James L. Bennett, Lt. Col.
Lysander Wells, Maj. 2d. Rcgt. Robert McNutt, Major 2d. Regt.
Richard Roman, Capt. Hayden Arnold, Capt. Thomas H. l\'lclntire, Capt. James Gillespie, Capt. A.H. Wiley,Capt.
W. H. Hill,Capt. Wm. Ward, Capl.
J. B. Chance, Capt. A. S. Lewis, Capt. E. S. Jones, Capt. N. 1-1. Durham, Lieut. B. J. Harper, Lieut. G. Kuykendall, Capt. David i\lurphrcc, Lieut. John P. llordc11, Lieut.
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