As it is matter of great interest Lo our section of the Union to preserve the amicable relalions existing between the United States and those of the Mexican republic, and fears exist that the latter entertain jealous apprehensions that the former give countenance to the succors received by Texas from them, allow me the suggestion, that a proclamation emanating from the seal of Government would have the double effect of quieting those fears, and of apprizing the citizens of the consequences of a violation of the laws. I am, sir, your obedient servant, L. Sanders, U.S.D.A.K.D.
Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State.
Mattamoris April 22: 1836
To General Fernandez Commander in Chief at Mattamoris Having Arrived in this place from New Orleans on the 20th Inst: Came down the ohio river from Louisville Kentucky/on the 25th of March Wrote 2 letters to Senior Gorostiza the Mexican Embassy at Washington-forwarded one at Smith land mouth of Cumberland river one/at Padducca (Mouth of the Tennessee river, one at Orleans advising) the Embassy of the resources and Military Movement of the Anglo Americans/Belliggrants (against Texas)-Having, regularly, advised, the Mexican, charges De Affairs at Washington sense the Month of September, last in a Series of Letters (Written by me) Monthly advising Said, Embassy, and Giving My oppinnion of the Most efficient, Plan of opperations (against those Anglo American Bands of Robbers) Having Sailed from New Orleans on the 9th ultimo for this Place/I made it My Business to Collect all the Information, I Could Procure on the ohio and Mississipi, river, and Have the Satisfaction, to Inform Your, Excellency) the Anglo Americans are Completely out Generald and routed, driven, Horse de Combat a Cross the Sabine, river, by the Mexican, Sensinattus General Sant-Anna and his Spartan Generals) the Mexican Eagle has Completely Vanquished, the Anglo American Scare Crows
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