Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

I purposely abslai11, as 1 have long abslainc:cl, from llw ceremony which I Lhink is not i11 accordance wilh our i11sliLL1Lio11s, of expressing a hope Lhat Lhe President of lhc United Stales will approve my co11cl11cl, because I think I should do Lhal dislinguished officer great injuslice lo suppose that he would not, 11nsolicitcd, approve what he may deem lo be right. And I should feel that I was unworthy the trust reposed in me, and unworthy and many great honors conforrcd upon me by Lhe United Stales. and by several of the grcal and patriotic States separately, were l capable or cherishing a wish Lhat any act of mine found to be wrong, laking inlo view the circumstances of the case at Lhe time, should be approved by him. All which is respectfully submitted for the consideration of the President of the United Slates. Edmund P. Gaines, l\lajor General commanding. To the Secretary of War, Washington City. (2953] [HARCOURT~ MORGAN] [Edward Harcourt, Fort Travis, to James l\·Iorgan, May 2, 1836, discussing prisoners being held on Galveston Island. J (2954] [LEADBETTER to AUSTIN ET AL] Feeling interested for the Cause of Texas, and being So Situated in life that I cannot aid them personally I would beg Your acceptance of the Within as a Small testimony of My good wishes for their Success, over the blood thirsty Tyrant of the i\:lexican butchers John Leadbetter Jr Philada. May 2nd 1836 To Gen) Austin, Col Wharton and Dr Archer Gentlemen

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