Nalchcz, i\lay I, 1836. Sir: Yours of the 9th ultimo was received by the last mail, and I immediately made such inquiries as the nature of the case permitted. I have no doubt that preparations of some description are making for the assistance of Texas, but I have been, as yet, unable to obtain any legal evidence of a violation or the laws, on which lo base a prosecution. I have requested the marshal if he knows or can obtain such information on the subject as wiU juslify legal proceedings, lo communicate it to me without delay.
I am, respectfully, Your ohcdienl 8Crva11t, R. M. Gaines, U.S. Attorney l\liss. District.
The Hon. John Forsyth, Secrl'tary of Stale.
[2951] [FH.lSOLA lo COl\lMANDERJ
To Lhe Commander of the Forces coming from Galveston: Sir- It is now 8 o'clock al night, and Mr. Jos. Wells has presented to me a passport from His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Don Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, with a pass from general Houston, stating that he is the bearer of despatches; but had arrived without them, because Mr. Fulcher, who accompanied him, remained behind: I am consequently ignorant of the Contents. By the couriers I learn that you are coming on with a force under your command; and I judge that the aforcsaicl despatches contain advice of this movement, as, however, lam not certain of it, l lrusl that unlit [ receive them, you will be pleased not to come within sight of my troops. for in this stale of uncertainty, a disagreeable result might ensue: whereas this army is rcpassing the Colorado, pursuant lo lhe agrc1:mcnl entered into by His Excellency the Presiclenl, Don Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, and which in good faith we wish lo fulfil. In the cnclo::;ed papl'r,
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