transported our IJag;.!;agt' ( l'or it must Le rccollcclcd that we left all baggage wagguns hchind lo make a forced march on the c11cmy) to l-larrisburgh-Therc is also business of great magnitude lo he lra11sacled here by the Excculive Government all these things must be k11own lo every one. Those of lhe Cabinet who arc h<~r<: have waited ,vith great a11xil·ly for the arrival of yourself and the Secrl'lary of the Navy with the Steam Boats & provisiu11s hop<:s have been differed & c·x1wdations have been disappoi11tcd. \\ t· entered the Cabinet with rduclall(:e. We have no ambition lo gratify by the possession of office but the good of' the Country. If things arc to go on as they have do11c for the last few days we have no desire further lo be <:011necled with transactions lhat musl resull to the injury of the Country. We may speak Luo much in the spirit of complaint but we have suffered mueh by seeing the golden moments of action drag heavily away when our Cou11lry is bleeding at every pore without the corrcspo11di11g action upon our part and when we find oursl'lves cramped in ewry way we cannot but feel it bear heavily upon me. Will the other two members of the Cabinet. come up here·~ Will the Stemn Boats be sent with provisions for the Army·~ We hope these questions will be soon answered
We are truly yours Thomas J Rusk S<~cy of War Bailey Harc.leman Sec of Treasury Lorenzo de Zavala
[To David G. Burnet]
[2949] [S. to ------]
Galveston, May l, 1836. Dear Sir - On the 26th of !\'larch the Texian army under General Houston took up its line of march from the East bank of the Colorado and retired, and a few days afterwards established an encampment on the West side of the Brazos, between a lake and the river in a thicket almost impenetrable near Croce's Ferry. This position they continued Lo occupy two or three weeks, keeping spies out to observe the movcmen ts of the enemy, who crossed the Colorado at Tuscasite, and occupied thal position several clays, when not being able to learn any thing of the main Texian army, they advanced upon San Felipe, which place had been burnt, and made a feint to cross the Brazos at that place - then made a forced
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