wa11ts, and I am sure after an examination of the transactions of this Agency, you will be satisfied that no one could do betl:er and you will delay not a moment in forwarding full power to recover from the Bank (an injunction having been laid) the amount placed lo your credit, and have il transferred to Nlr Bryan's credit. A gentleman has just arrived from Matamoros who informs me that he witnessed the engagement between the l11vincible and the Mexican Montezuma, and says the Montezuma was on the Bar and so injured as to be abandoned; her guns taken on shore a11d put on board other vessels. Two small Schooners had been fitted out, one commanded by Thompson, the other by Davis and had sailed to convey Provisions &c. to Copauo; that no men had embarked for Galveston yet; this genllcman also wilnessed the execution of Living (one of Capt Brown's officers who boarded the Montezuma,) on the charge of being a Spy, and that 20 more taken in Texas were to be shot in a few days, 3 or 4 of this number were Mexicans and alJ were taken at San Patricio, the names we shall get soon. The greatest sympathy is excited by the alrocious murders committed by these worse than savage i\frxicans, aPd I hop<' a Lafayette will yet appear to join our patriots. I have the Honor to be Your Obt Servant Edward Hall I have sent you the late papers by this Brig, the Good Hope, who takes some volunteers and provisions. Genl. Green has just returned from the West and says a number of men say 1500 will be on their way here in 10 or 12 days. We only want money a11d we can send men. No officers or Special Agents arc required, 'tis Money! Money! Money! and I hope Col Triplett will be able to raise it E.H.
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