[2945] plALL to BliRNETJ
New Orleans i\lay I, 1836
His Excellency David G Burnell President Dear Sir,
The almost Criminal ncalect of the Provisional t> Government in not placing in your hands the documents transmitted by this agency. and the consequf'nt misapplication of thr funds placed to the credit of the Govcrnment here, has had a most injuriom cffcrt: I found, on my arrival, that reports were. in circulation, that the Agency had been cha11gcd, that i\'lcKinncy had rcceired and forwarded a chech. for Ten Thousand Dollars to Toby & Brothers, who had supcrccdcd \Ir Bryan in the Genl Agency,-I was called on for an explanation; I told them that ~lcKinncy had call on the Government and represented his own Business and had obtained a check for all the money lo the credit of the Government here, and had forwarded that check to Tohy & Brothers, who, it was said, had superceeded l\lr Bryan in the general Agency; but that l had explained it to the Government an<l a confirmation of my statement had been forwarded and 011 receipt of it, I was sure that the error would be corrected and full authority would be immcdiatdy forwarded to Mr Bryan lo receive the money and restore confidence. The Invincible, Brutus, San Jacinto and Kosiusko are all here waiting the arrival of Col. Triplett. The evil effects produced by the business with McKinney has paralised every thing and unless Col Triplett arrives and places funds immediately to the credit of this Agency, the worst consequences are to be feared. Everything towards supplies has been done through this Agency and if they arc not supported the hopes for aid from this quarter will be gone. The men who are so anxious to get possession of the funds of the Government have br.cn the most backward in risking their own; had the money have bcc11 phn.:cJ io ll1c c1cJit of thi5 Agcnc:;·, ;;otwithstr.nding the larg~ advances and responsibilities already incurred, the vessels, now detained here, would have been dispatched ere this and the Government benefited by their aid at this important moment. If the business of your Government is not confined lo one channel there can be no dependence pla<.:t'.d in supplying future
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