Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

No. 2, Army of Operations: Excellent Sir,

In as much as I- have ordered your excellency by official note of today that you cause the troops to retire to Bexar and Guadaloupe Victoria, I charge you to instruct the Commandants of the several divisions, not to permit any damage done to the property of the Inhabitants of the country, hoping that these dispositions will be punctually complied with. God and liberty, at San Jacinto, April 22, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna No. 3, Army of Operations: Excellent Sir,-You will immediately order the Military commandant at Goliad, to put all the prisoners made at Goliad, at liberty and send them forthwith to San Felipe de Austin, and for which purpose your Excellency will dictate such Orders as may be conducive to the object. God and Liberty, Camp of San Jacinto, April 22, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. [To Vicente Filisola} [2826) (SAUNDERS to FORSYTH] Frankfort, Ky., April 22, 1836. Sir: Your communication of the 9th instant, suggesting that "it appeared from an article in one of the Western journals, containing what purports to be an extract of a letter of Felix Huston, Esq., of Natchez, that he is in the act of raising and equipping a volunteer company for military service in Texas," and ~reeling to."satisfy my self by proper inquiries; and that should I • fmd that either he or any other person has, in regard to the transaction alluded to, violated the laws within the Kentucky district, that I should institute such proceedings as may be necessary lo bring the offender to punishment; and to see the laws enforced with respect · to any similar violation of the neutral relations of the United States," has been received, and will be promptly attended to. I am not, at this time, apprized of any individuals so deporting themselves as lo come within the provisions of the act of Congress, within the district of Kentucky.


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