11111'orlurwlc i11 my drafts as having l,ccn 1:011sla11l ly dr.ifkd l,y boalh liberty & Lynch-Burg a11d what maid it still worse wos my hcallh wos such lhal I c:oidd comply in 11cilhcr place and in spil<' of all my ci:dea\'ours never al,11' lo high<·r a s11bslil11LC' I can prove by respectable m1·11 I hat I have orfcrccl lo higher any man who would serve in the Arnt) al Liu: ralc uf 20 Dulls per month fur as long a term as six mon Lhs or a shorter period l afterwards a11d al the time Capl. Logans company slarkd lo the Army tried lo higher a slra11g<~r who wos going lo Lhe Eastward lo go on a three months tower for which J offered him sixty dollars Lo bear his C'Xpences lo furnish him a good horse sadle and other necessary equipment h11L without dl'ccl. I am truly sorry my Dear friend to hear of so much bad feeling being a gains! me which is so groundless. I am now willing to do any thing that is in the compass of my power for the Benefit of Texas though my health and constitution is such that I cannot offer at this time Lo do a tower of duty but I am willing lo contribit any a mount thaL I am able in any thing that I have got say one third one half or as much more as may be asked i\frs Duncan and myself has conclude to offer our whol stock of cattle with the except of a few milchs Cows, which is necessary for our suppoart. My Ilroalher \Vm has concluded by my advice to join the army provided that he can be admited in credit which I hope he can by your influance if you will inlerceccl for ous with the Army it will be lastingly remembered by your Friend and I doanl think I shall be soon caught in a like scrape again I am Wholily destitute of a horse to ride they all having bin either sloalen pressed or robd there ware some Gentlemen as I am told who bcloned to the camp Caught the last one lo day al Mr Bloodgoods and road him off a Bay horse belonging lo the Estate of H J Sir you will confer a lasting favour by giving me your advice in this my hour of Trial .
Your Obd. Servant Meredith Duncan
David G. Burnet Esqr
I hope you will excuse this scrall as it is the Best I can do
in the present slate of my mind and T hav<' no paper
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