l.Jose \'!aria Alp11che. New York, to Valentin Gomez Farias, May l. 1836, :;tating that "there· an· :;ix newspapers here, all of them reputable, which daily attack thr independence of Texas, and only two write in favor of it.") (2942] [BURNET ET AL to TOBY J To all to whom these presents shall come Greetings: Know ye, Thal the Executive Government of Texas exercising the plenery powers conferred on them. Reposing special trust and confidence in the ability and integrity of Thomas Toby a citizen of New Orleans, of the State of Louisiana, have nominated, and by this act do nominate and appoint him their lawful agent for the purpose of raising money for the Government of Texas in the manner and form and by the rules and articles hereinafter prescribed. Viz. Art l The said Thomas Toby is authorised lo sell the public lands of Texas, such amount as he may be from time to time instructed by the Executive Government of Texas lo sell at such price or prices as he may think proper, and be able to procure, provided however no sales shall be made at a less price than fifty cents per Acre. Art. 2. No sales shall be made of lands to be located in smaller tracts than Six hundred and forty Acres each. Art. 3. The agent upon making sale of any lands shall issue scrip lo the purchaser, which shall be evidence of his, or his assignee's right of location for so many acres of land as are evidenced by the scrip. Art. 4. No preference shall be given to any person or persons who may have obtained lands from the Government of Texas, or who may hereafterohtain thcm,ovcr those purchasing from Thomas Toby under this power, in time or mode of location, inasmuch as it is the object of this Government lo organise land offices as soon as practicable, adapted lo the condition of the country; of which due notice will be given to the World, in time for all lo attend to making their locations on ,-:qua! and cyuitahle terms. Art 5. The holder of Scrip shall receive his title without any other cxpcnce than the purr:hasc money, and should therf!, by mistake or oth1~rwisc, be a location made upon lands to which th1~re
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