Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

by us. They left 500 or Lhcir slain behind them. N1·vcr was there a victory more co111pldc. General C:os was tak«~n anc.l killed by a pistol ball from one of our men, who insLantly recognised him. General Santa Anna was Lakcn ,wxl day about ten miles from the place of acLion, hy 01w of our spies, who on being broughL forward, immediately requested to see general HousLon. I happened to be passing al Lhe Lime he was conveyed Lo general Houston, who was lying on a bed in his Lent, having been wounded in the action, and heard the m say, "we surrender in Lo your hands general Santa Anna, governor of Lhe republic of Mexico." He was ordered to call in his aids, who were nearly all taken, among whom was Almon tie. There were then propositions made, of which you will have the details by express. HousLon was wounded .in Lhe ancle by a musket ball in the early part of Lhc engagement; but remained on his horse unLil it terminated. There is a list of the names of the Mexican prisoners, which shall be transmitted you by express. They amount Lo nearly six hundred, among whom are six women. After the .Mexican soldiers had thrown down their arms, the offict:rs broke and endeavered lo escape. The mounted riflemen, however, soon overtook all but one, who distanced the rest; him they ran J 5 miles, when his horse bogged down in Lhe prairie near the Brassos timber; he then made for the timber on foot. His pursuers in Lhe eagerness of the chase, dashed into the same bog, and continued the pursuit on fool, following the trail of the fugi live, which was very plain owing to the recent rains, until they reached Lhe timber, where il was lost. The pursuers then spread themselves and searched Lhe woods for a long Lime in vain, when it occurred to Arnold Hunter that the chase might, like a hard pressed bear, have taken a lrce. The tree tops were then examined, wl,cn lo, Lhc game was discovered snugly cnsconed in the forks of a large live-oak. The captors did not know who the prisoner was, un Lil they reached the camp, when the Mexican soldiers exclairncd "cl general, d general Santa Anna!


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