Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

Iha! lhe enemy had received no rcinforccmc11b un lhal morning of which Deaf Smilh had also advised him. John Forbes Genl. llo11slon ordered lhe axes for lhe dcslruclion of lhe Bridge lo he secrcled, lhis was done hy the General and Deaf Smilh-il was suposed hy some Lhal lhe reinforcemenl of the morning of lhe 21st was a ruse of the Enemy-that Lhey had been marched out during lhe nighl previous-and brought up lo deceive us-the General lherefure staled that no accession of Lroops had arived- (signed) G. W. Hockley Jnspl. Genl. on Lhe 21st April 1836 Farlher, the camp and position of the Enemy was reconoilered on the morning of lhc 21sl-and the true report made-but Lhe impression thal no reinforcement had arrived was kept up during that day by lhe General. (signed) G. W. Hockley [2938] [WlLL.IA~ISON Lo HOUSTON]

Washington April 1836

To Genl Sam llouslon Dear Sir

[ send enclosed Lo you by l\lajor T3arr the list of recruits I have made for service in the Command. Three of them now are to he relied upon as men thal will do their duly. The other (t\lurphy) has been under guard for several days by my order. I still send him under guard lo you in charge of t\lajor 13. Mis confession under sentence of dcalh found him guilty of Pclly Larceny though the sentence was passed upon him for disobedience of positive orders from me commencing at this place. The scnlencc has been rescinded and I beg you lo release him and make a soldier of him. I believe he will do his duty as such for he is much alarmed. I with sentiments of highest considP-ralion I your ohl svt. R ~I Williamson Commander PS Mr. Henry Leib, me you dc:-ired me to ride down and :;ec you. I am not acquainted with Mr. Henry, h11l if lhings go today :111d Lomorrow I will vi:-i I you al head Quarters. Spic:- :11·1· :-I ill 011 t no reports. \\'illiam:-:un

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