Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


On the morning of the 22d April 1836 (Lhe day after the 13attle) Col. Hockley brought me an order from General Houston Lo have a detail immediately made of Fifty men, armed and mounted, for the purpose of proceeding in the direction of Vinccs Bayou lo inlerccpl and bring in prisoners the ~lexicans Lhat were relrcaling lo effect their escape. The detachment was accordingly soon under arms, and paraded in front of Col. Burleslons Quarters, and reported to the General. I was then directed to place the same under the command of Col. Sherman or Col. Burlcslon, not finding either of them within the lines. I rode over lo the Mexican encampment, when meeting with Col. Burleston 1 communicated to him the Generals orders. The Col. accompanied me back, Look charge of the command, and led it to its destination. (signed) John Forbes


On the morning of the 2lsl of April 1836 Genl. Sam 1-louslon came to my lent accompanied by Erastus Smith helter known as deaf Smith. Genl. Houston directed me to furnish Deaf Smith with one or more axes as he would need, and to place them al a certain Post Oak on the side from the Army from whence they were to be taken for the purpose of destroying the Bridge across Vinces Bayou (over which our Army had crossed on the night of Lhe 19th in pursuit of the Mexican Army) The General at the same time instructing Deaf Smith how lo act, and intimating that an action would take place with the enemy during the day, and thal Lhe Bridge must be destroyed to prevent the escape of the ~lexicans. In ohecliance of the Generals orders, I furnished the axes for its destruction. Genl. Houston secrelly passed them over to Deaf Smith who with a companion, sci oul lo destroy the Bridge, and not long after the charge was ordered by Genl. Huuslon. Within a few hundred yards of the enemys lines Deaf Smith reported in person lo Genl. Houston, that the Bridge was destroyed which he announced lo the Troops as he rode along Lhe lines and


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