the Regulars will answer the double purpose of a guard down and lo join the Garrison al this place. i\lay I suggest the propriety of not suffering loo many persons from leaving the Camp by various excuses to gel to this place, merely lo lounge about and be in the way; no person is wanted here who is not willing Lo subject himself lo the most rigorous military duty. We want sundry articles at this post which I trust can now be spared from the Army, as 1 perceived a superabundance of them in Camp. Say Muskets, Pistols, Swords, Saddles Horses &c. I am getting up a Company of Cavalry for the Island, which will be a very useful and efficient company; and who will be enlisted as regulars to serve during the War. Trusting that the health of your excellency has improved since I left camp and that you will be enabled lo pay me a visit at this place soon, where with Sea air, and sea bathing, I am certain your health will be firmly restored.
I remain, with every Consideration of Respect, Yr obt servt J. Morgan Col. Commanding
His Excellency Genl. Sarni. Houston Commander in Chief &c &c Buffalo Bayou (Lieut. Mellen (2933)
Ejercito de operaciones. - Escmo. Sr. - Hoy ha llegado a esle campo el Sr. general D. Adrian Woll, quien ha pueslo en mis manos las comunicaciones de V. E., fecha 28 de) que espira. Como aun nose lerminan las negociaciones entahlailas con esle gohierno, el general Woll, segun manifiesla a V. E., Liene que clemorarse para Uevar el convenio que definilivamente se concluya, y que no dudo sera salisfactorio para ambas parles. Entre tanto, espero que V. E., por ningun motivo dilatara su conlramarcha, y antes bien la abreviara segun ie lengo prevenido, si~uiendo su m;;rcha hasta la ciuda<l de Monterrey, recogiendo todos los destacamentos de Matagorda, Copano, la Bahia, &c., no debiendo quedar en Tejas mas que una guarnicion de cuatrocientos hombres con dos piezas ligeras en San Antonio de Bejar, a las ordenes de un general a · quien recomendara V. E. los heridos y enfermos que quedaron.
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