Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

people, give them my compliments, and also receive them lo yourself. Alfreel Kelso. To John H. Marlin, John, Martha and myself will be to the Stale in the fall and will come Lo see you. A.K. Mr. Marlin, you musl pay postage on all lelers coming this way or Lhey will remain in Lhe office al New Orleans. Alfred Kelso. [2932] [MORGAN to HOUSTON]

Commandancy of Galveston April 30th 1836

My Dear Sir,

Lieut. Mellen, of Capt Turner's Company of Regulars, goes up in the Steam Boal Yellow Slone today, for the purpose of getting Lhe baggage of that excellent and efficient company left behind when iL came clown. You will greatly oblige me by facilitating his return. The S. Boal, Laura, left this place while I was absent, al Head Quarters, and took off Lhe only Flatt Boat we had here, for landing cargoes &c. The Laura returned wilhoul Lhe Boat, which I understand from the Capt was taken on by the volunteers on Board. We have two vessels to unload here and no Boat. May I ask the further favor that you will be pleased to see that the Boat is delivered up immediately to Lieut. M. and sent down here. One of the vessels here will be on a heavy demirrage in a day or two, all for wanting a Boat to land cargo. And we cannot even get necessities for the moment, on shore, for the Troops here, for want of her! The importance of maintaining this post and having it well maintained, and that by Regulars too, is too well known Lo yourself, and to Lhe President, who is on the spot, to need one word said on the subject from me. I would beg leave however to respectfully suggest that more regular troops be sent down as soon as possible for I am disposed to do with as few volunteers at this post as possible. Capt. Turner has suggested to me that Mr. Houth was expected in Camp, with some 20 or 30 Regulars and would be greatly pleased that they might be sent down to join this company of Regulars. As more prisoners will Le sent down in the Steam Boal Lhal now goes up, it will require more troops to guard them, so that


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