could not stand up to the point of the bayonet. Out or our army there were 667 men that turned out against 1,400 Mexi.cans. They had strong breastworks. We were marched up right in front of their breastworks, their cannoning playing on us. We were marched in forty yards or their breastworks before we allowed to fire our cannons. Our cannoning soon knocked their breastworks to pieces, and we were ordered lo charge. We charged, and they broke immediately. They ovP-rshot us with their muskets, both. We killed five or six hundred of the enemy; look 500 prisoners. Our losses were five killed and eighteen wounded; three of the wounded have died since the battle. We look every officer that belonged to the Mexican army-even Santa Anna himself was taken a prisoner. The Americans have made a treaty with Santa Anna. There is one more Mexican army in Texas. Santa Anna sent for the General lo come into our camp. He is in camp al this time. Santa Anna sent an express by our men to Larbadee for them to march west for the Rio Grande. The articles of the treaty are: Santa Anna is lo have all his troops marched west of the Rio Grande. That is to be the line. He is to pay two millions of dollars for damage and is lo be kept a prisoner until the money is paid and the treaty is ratified by the Mexican Government. Our battle was fought on the 21st of April, 1836. John, it is not worth while lo write you about the beauty of our country and the richness of the soil, for you have heard them both spoken of so often and never heard the beauty nor the soil more spoken of than it naturally is. Land will be very valuable in Texas in a short time. I have 6,000 acres of land in Texas. John, I must say to you that Ophelia died on 23rd of August last. We have had one son since we came lo Texas and called his name Marlin Henry, and he is dead, also. You must write to me. Direct your lellers lo Columbus, Texas. We live sixty miles above Matagorda, on Colorado. Nothing more at present, more than if you see any of my
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