Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


Lieutenant D. L. Kokernol.

San Jacinto, Texas, April 30, 1836.- You will drive all the horses and cattle back that you find lo lhe easl of lhis, except those that belong to honesl citizens. Do the best you can.

Sam Houston Commander in Chief


The within order was received on April 30, and in obedience to its commands I drove up lo the San Jacinto aboul 300 head of horses and reporled my acls to the commander in chief and got a hell of a cursing. Expenses during the scout, eight dollars. [2931) [KELSO to KELSO I State of Coahula and Texas Deparlment, April 30, 1836,- Dear Brother-A favorable opportunity presents itself al present to let you know that I am well. Your si3ler, Martha, was well some six or eight days since I heard from her. Martha is al the Sulphur Springs al this time, on the River Trinity. We live on the River Colorado when we are at home. I have been in the army ever since the taller part of the winter. The citizens marched from Colorado lo Gonzales, the place of rendevous, on the River Guadalupe. The army retreated from Guadalupe lo Colorado. The families remained on the Colorado until the army retreated from Colorado to the River Brazos. Your sister, with a great many other families, was on the river fourteen miles below our army. The river only divided the Mexican army and the army of the Americans. The army took up lhe line of march before the families got the news. The families were liable lo be cut off by the enemy and were compelled lo leave everything behind and get off as speedily as possible. We retrealed from the River Brazos lo San Jacinlo, there we fought the great battle. The proposition made by our officers was that every man that wished to slay al the camps could do so-that they wanted no men to go into the battle that


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