have been sent for the fortifications, the Brass Cannon was rec'd from Nashville. We shall send a field carriage for il, as soon as we have means, or are salisfied of the aulhorily of Lhe Agencyes Every exerlion on our part shall be used to fit oul the Navy, the conslant arrival of volunteers compels us lo fil Lhem out by contributions, and our private credit. Money is scarce, and the requisitions upon us heavy, our advances to the governmenl are so large that we cannot sland it, unless we have assistance from some quarter. Capt Ward has been using great exertions in raising volunteers. We recommend him to your notice for his services, & Lhe loss of his Leg before the Alamo. We have news today Lhat the Montezuma is actually lost, and thal the expedilion against Galveston is about leaving Matamoras under convoy of the Paragon Mounting 12 short Guns. By Lhe Good Hope the agency send fifty volunteers paying the expenses. I have the honour to be Yours Respectfully &c Wm. Bryan General Agent for Texas P S. Since writing the above we have news that Mr Living the officer left by the Invincible on the Montezuma has been shot, & that Seventeen Americans were to meet the same fat the nexl day at Matamoras. The expedition from Matamoras we have positively ascertained is as follows Sehr New Castle 2 shorl guns 80 Tons 25 sailors 30 marines commanded by Thomson. Sehr J M Brandel, 1 long twelve taken from the Bravo & 2 Gunades, 56 men commanded by Davis. Capt Davis had acted as far as he could in favour of the Texians when Thomson slated that Davis ought to have detained the 4 men from Invincible & hung them, Davis said killing one was loo many & he would have lel Living go if he could. Wm. Bryan
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