Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

kindness lo let him know whether he has been mistaken on this point, in order that, if not, he may immediately inform his Government accordingly, and communicate lo it this new proof of the justice and good faith which characterize the American Government in all its relations with Mexico. The undersigned, as little as Mr. Forsyth, desires lo enter into the question, apparently so obvious, whether the territory of Texas, which lies adjacent to the United States, belongs to Mexico, and lo the l\'lexicans born in Texas, or to the foreigners who have risen in insurrection there. Nor does he consider it proper al present to insist upon discussing hypothetically what might be suitable for both countries, after the line shall have been marked, with respect to the position which the troops of the United Stales may then occupy; as the undersigned has some reason to hope that the necessity for the said occupation will, ere that time, have disappeared; and as, even though this should unfortunately not be the case, it is by no means probable that the Mexican Government wilJ consider the question, then occurring, in a light different from that in which it would be viewed by any impartial Power. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and mm1ster plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, avails himself of this opportunity to renew to the honorable Mr. Forsyth, Secretary of Stale of the United States, the assurances of his distinguished consideration. M. E. De Gorostiza. To the Hon. John Forsyth, &c. [2917) [TORNEL to SANTA ANNA] E. S. El Sr. Comandle gl. de Nuevo Leon y Tamaulipas con fha. 8. del corrte me dice lo q. copio. "E S - Regresandome hoy a Matamoros adonde me Haman varios asuntos imporlantes, debo manifestar a V.E. despues de los sucesos del dia 3. de q. le tengo dado conocimto. con fha. 4. no ha ocurrido novedad en este punto. - Quedan alistados de todo dos Goletas armadas de Grra. la una nombrada Gral. Brabo y la otra Correo de Megico, destinadas pa. conducir viveres pa. el Egercito; y las cualcs cstan detinvadas en Bahia eslamte. pr. q. los continuos bientos del Este, han im pedido su salida pr. la Barra; po. en el primer momcnto favorable lo efecluaran. - Las velas enemigas han


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