Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

inserlarlo a V.E. para su conocimienlo proteslandole como siempre mi respeto y consideracion. Dios y Liberlad Mejico Abril 28. de 1836. Exmo. Sr. Jose Maria Tomei E. S. Presidenle D. Antonio Lopez de Santaana, Beremerito de la Patria y Gral. en Gfe del Ejercilo de operacionos. (2916] [GOROSTIZA lo FORSYTH] Washington, April 28, 1836. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, having received the reply addressed to him informally on the 26th instant, by the honorable John Forsyth, Secretary of State of the United States, to his answer to the memorandum of the conference held on the 20th instant, has the honor now lo assure the Secretary of State, with the utmost sincerity, that he has never for a moment entertained the idea that the United Stales could seek to interfere in any way in the disturbances of their neighbors; and that, on the contrary, he had been induced, by his conviction of the rectitude of the principles which have at all times guided the policy of this Government, to ex tend his reply somewhat beyond the bounds assigned by custom lo that class of documents; being assured that all other considerations would be unnecessary, as soon as the undersigned should succeed in demonstrating to Mr. Forsyth how just it was lo Mexico, and how mutually convenient for both countries, that in the present state of things in Texas, former possession should be the only rule for the mutual determination of the respective limits, until the commissioners and surveyors shall have marked out the true dividing line. Fortunately, if the undersigned has rightly comprehended Mr. Forsyth's reply, the opinion of the Secretary of State coincides essentially on this capital point with that of the undersigned, so far as regards the assurance that General Gaines's troops will not take a poslion on any ground known to be beyond the limits of the United Stales; and, as a natural consequence from this principle, that such position can in no case be on ground previously possessed by Mexico, and, of course, within its known limits. The undersigned would thank Mr. Forsyth Lo have the


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