Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

about 4 oclock till dark they ran the Mexicans through the trees on fool and killed many of them while they crossed Lhe creek he says that so many died in one field the horses couldnl gel through I have only stopped here for a night or two must rush home and hurry I hope this finds you well and in good spirits yours J F Perry [2914] [SHERMAN to FORBES] . Battle-ground, 28th, April, 1836_ The Courl of Inquiry, held in pursuance of an order from Major-General Sam Houston, Commander-in-Chief, on Lhe report& circulated, prejudicial to the character of Col. John Forbes, Commissary-General of the Army of Texas, most respectfully report that, after a strict, thorough, and full investigation of all matters bearing upon the case, they find no evidence whatever in support of such charges, or any ground for censure, against him in the action of 21st inst. On the contrary, they find his conduct upon that occasion, to have been characterized as that of a courageous as well as humane soldier. Lieut. Tinsley, Judge Advocate. [2915] [TORNEL to SANTA ANNA] Col. Sherman, President. E. S. Con fha. 23. del presente me dice el Comandante del bergantin de grra. Vencedor del Alamo lo que copio: "E.S. - Hoy se han recibido en la Tesoreria de Marina los ocho mil pesos, que ese Supremo Gobierno remitio para que se invirtieran en lo mas preciso y urgente de la habilitacion de este buque para que puedar dar la vela a cumplir la comision interesante a que esta destinado, no obstante que dha suma no es suficiente para cumplir aquellas, y ademas haber.facilitado el Sr. Admor. de esta Aduana maritima dos mil pesos, con cuyas dos sumas estoy activando los trahajos, que aun le faltan, para verificar mi salida el jueves 28. del actual como se sirvio V.E. ordenarme en su superior orn. de 21. ultimo." Y en om. del E.S. Presidente interino tengo el honor de


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